Watch: What can be done to remove squatters?

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Growing Interest in Housing Choice Vouchers as Market-Rate Competition Increases in Philadelphia

As competition in the rental market increases, more landlords are…

Philadelphia City Council Advances Bill to Ban Rent-Setting Software Amid Price-Fixing Concerns

Philadelphia City Council is advancing a bill that would ban…

Watch: Where is the landlord help with property tax assessments?

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Rethinking AMI: Exploring Localized Approaches to Affordable Housing in Philadelphia

In Philadelphia, the use of regional area median income (AMI) for…

Philadelphia’s Office Building Crisis: Over $1 Billion in Value Lost Amid Rising Vacancies and Economic Impact

Philadelphia's office buildings have lost over $1 billion in assessed…

Watch: Could Rent Control Come to Philly?

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Discover the New PHA (Section 8) Rates!

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Homebuyer Income Soars: Philadelphia and Delco Lead the Nation in Affordability Struggles!

A Redfin analysis reveals that the income needed to buy a home in…

1,000+ New Homes Proposed Near Sixers Arena Amid Affordability Challenges

Philadelphia is debating a new Sixers arena downtown, which could…