Pennsylvania Housing Advisory Committee Meeting; 2024—2028 Consolidated Plan
[53 Pa.B. 5183]
[Saturday, August 19, 2023]
The Department of Community and Economic Development (Department) is preparing the Commonwealth’s 2024—2028 Consolidated Plan (Plan). The Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions.
The consolidated planning process serves as the framework for a Statewide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities that align and focus funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Planning and Development formula block grant programs:
- CDBG: Community Development Block Grant Program
- HOME: HOME Investment Partnerships Program
- ESG: Emergency Solutions Grant Program
- HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program
- HTF: National Housing Trust Fund
Pennsylvania Housing Advisory Committee
Thursday, September 7, 2023
1 p.m.
The Pennsylvania Housing Advisory Committee (Committee) is responsible for reviewing Statewide housing, community development and support services needs and priorities, as well as advising the Department in the preparation of the Commonwealth Consolidated Plan, annual action plans and the coordination of Federal, State and local resources to manage the implementation of these plans.
As part of the planning process for the Plan, the Committee will be meeting in an open, public forum. The purpose of the meeting will be to review trends and needs through data analysis and consultation process. Additionally, the Committee will discuss the key findings, the priority needs and strategies for the Plan.
Individuals who wish to attend the Committee meeting may join by phone at (267) 332-8737. The conference ID is 439 171 889#.
Individuals who have a disability or limited English proficiency and wish to participate in the public hearing should contact David Grey, dgrey@pa.gov, (717) 214-5341 or TDD (717) 346-0308 at a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting to discuss how the Department can accommodate their needs.