Bring your rental and investment property friends to HAPCO Philadelphia’s General Membership Seminar!

Invite a non-member to learn, network, and socialize and see why they need to join Philadelphia’s largest rental and investment property advocacy group.

Find out the latest trends and issues in the industry and help grow HP’s influence by getting your colleagues to join!

Guest speakers include:

Greg Wertman HAPCO Philadelphia President

Maria Quinones-Sanchez, Mayoral Candidate & Former City Council Member

Laura Copeland, Philadelphia Water Dept. TAP Program

Bret Holden, VP, Leasing House, PHA

Jimmy Harrity, City Council At-Large Candidate

Paul Cohen, Esq., HAPCO Philadelphia’s Legal Counsel

Brian Barrabee, Author, “Confessions of a Real Estate Man” & former HP Member


Hapco Philadelphia General Membership Seminar

WHEN: Wednesday October 12th 7pm-9pm

MEET & GREET: 6pm-7pm

WHERE: The Associated Polish Home

9150 Academy Road

Philadelphia, PA., 19114

Parking is provided on-site

Click here to register you and your guests

Or email the HP Office at:
